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  • Warrick Wynne

1976 Australian Titles

I added this photo of Mark Warren sweeping into a cutback at The Point, during the 1976 Australian Titles, an event he eventually won, to the 1970s section and also on the Instagram site today.

Tracks was a bit disparaging about the contest but described it this way:

On the Monday the contest is moved to Point Leo 'better known as the Slug Pit' (!) 'Claw explained the rudiments of riding the Pit, saying even though it breaks right, you must go left to turn right and if you cutback too much you'll bog down in the pit and miss the miraculous reform'. Later in the day, 'The swell seemed to be increasing out in Cat Bay and Seal's Rock off the tip of Phillip Island was producing a monster bombie.

The first Open Semi-Final was the last event of the day and the tide had completely covered every square inch of rock. Mark Warren, determined to go for that extra length, surfed over bare reef, to the provocation of the crowd.' One local surfer to stand out during the week was Phil Trigger who 'won the hardest heat from Col Smith, PT, Ron Ford and Craig Betternay, in that order'. (Tracks, 1976)

I remember a lot of that contest and the excitement of seeing 'professional' surfers on our waves, at the Point and even out at First Reef. I remember Col Smith paddling out at Meanoes, paddling straight past everyone to the deepest spot, paddling for a big set wave, and getting eaten. I was sort of relieved he didn't find it too easy!

I also remember that high tide surf at The Point, with Mark Warren riding right through from big Peak Rock up on to and over the rocks, something I don't think I've seen again.

There seems to be precious few photos of this event, apart from what you can scan from old magazines, so anyone who has any, please send one through.

For the record, here's the results:


1. Mark Warren NSW

2. Peter Townend QLD

3. Wayne Bartholemew QLD

4. Ian Cairns WA

5. Steve Jones NSW

6. Simon Anderson NSW

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